Interpreter and Translator, Language Consultant
My name is Ilaria Gianetto and I have been a freelance interpreter and translator since 2009. I work in Milan but I will be happy to travel to any other city either in Italy or in Europe. I got a degree in Linguistic Mediation at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML) of Milan in 2006 and a Master’s degree in Conference Interpreting and Translation at the SSML of Rome in 2009. I am an ordinary member of the ANITI – Associazione Nazionale Italiana Interpreti e Traduttori, and I am KUDO certified for remote interpreting assignments. I work with Italian (my mother tongue), English and Spanish for interpreting, translation services and as an online and “offline” language teacher.
Visit my Linkedin page!
Visit my KUDO page!
Direct and customised contact: I will be the person in charge of taking care of your entire project. No more middle peaople!
No commission: forget about additional commissions from agencies. Each cent of your investment will directly transform into quality!
Trusted collaborators: should you need any other language or specialisations that I do not offer, I can still help you thanks to my network of highly trusted colleagues.